Prepare middle managers so that, through proper planning, they can analyse and interpret at their level, the economic and financial situation of their area of responsibility and can make the right management decisions
25 hours
1. Primer Sign
a. Days: Monday and Wednesday
b. Hours: 16: 00 to 18: 30
c. Start date: 15-4-24
d. Application Deadline: 22-5-24
e. Class days
1) April/24: 15th,17th,22th,24th,29th
2) May/24: 6,8,13,15,22
2. Second round
a. Days: Monday and Wednesday of 16: 00 TO 18: 30
b. Start date: 14-10-24
c. Application Deadline: 13-11-24
d. Class days
1) October/24: 14th,16th,21th,23th,28th,30th
2) November/24: 4,6,11,13
1. Basic financial tools
a. The initial investment
b. Planning
c. The budget system
2. Basic financial statements
a. The balance sheet
b. The Flow of funds or cash (Cash Flow)
c. The profit and loss account
3. Loans
4. Salary
5. Depreciation and corporate tax
6. Analysis of financial statements for decision making
7. Operational Fund Needs (NOF)
8. Cost management for projects
475,00 euros
1. Plan the evolution of heritage.
2. Plan treasury management
3. Detect economic and financial deviations that allow corrective measures to be taken
4. Budget and control costs in projects