1. Understand the need for an appropriate environment that motivates creation and innovation in an organization

2. Distinguish concepts such as creation, innovation, invention

3. Develop the concepts and different tools that allow creativity in the company

4. To be able to form innovation and creativity teams in a company

5.     Analyze different cases and good practices of successful innovation


25 hours


1. Primer Sign

a. Days: Tuesday and Thursday from 16:00 to 18:30  

b. Start date: 20-2-24

c. Application Deadline: 21-3-24

d. Class days

1) February/24: 20th,22th,27th,29th

2) March/24: 5,7,12,14,19,21

2. Second round

a. Days: Tuesday and Thursday from 16:00 to 18:30

b. Start date: 4-9-24

c. Application Deadline: 25-10-24

d. Class days

1) September/24: 4,6,18,20

2)October/24: 2,4,9,11,18,25



1. Creativity

a. Necessary and adverse conditions

b. Techniques

2. Innovation

a. Innovation: concept and examples

b. Hybridize 

c. Hybridizer Equipment

d. Opportunities to innovate

e. Innovate according to the life cycle

f. The market

g. Exploitation and exploration

h. Ideas + money

i. Scope of innovation

j. Riscos d' innovar

3. Innovative final project


475,00 euros


1. Training environment to create 

2. Distinguish between creating, innovating and inventing

3. Applying new solutions to old problems 

4. Questioning what "was always done this way"

5. Develop critical thinking